Welcome Email
Missing a Wealth Factory Welcome email?
We've got you covered.
- Check your inbox ~10-15 minutes after your purchase is complete.
- If you do not see a Welcome email arrive from Wealth Factory, check your Spam or other filtered folders through your email client. You may need to perform a "Search" in your inbox, spam, or trash folders, depending on how your email client sorts incoming mail. Typically searching by the sender, "Wealth Factory" or "builders@wealthfactory.com" will be enough for you to locate the email.
- If you still cannot find it, please write to builders@wealthfactory.com and we will re-send your Welcome email.
- If you find the email in your Spam/Junk/Trash folder, you may want to follow these steps to whitelist the Wealth Factory domain so you don't miss out on future emails.